Hello and welcome to my blog, Darling be home soon. I’m Ann. I work full-time and am a certified crazy cat lady and lover of all animals. I decided to start blogging after losing my mother on March 29, 2018, due to an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. My whole world collapsed when I lost her. Over the past almost three years, I have learned a lot about myself and those around me and want to hopefully take the things I been through to help someone else who is going through anything similar and feel like they are alone. One thing I have taken away from this whole stupid deal is that I have had more understanding from strangers and that what one understands of grief and bereavement differs immensely from what one truly goes through, it’s not one size fits all. I do want to emphasize that I am not a professional and the things I write are straight from my heart and are not eloquent and will have incorrect punctuation and grammar. My posts are also emotional and can be redundant but it’s how I am feeling and in order to help myself through this, I am leaving all as is. I want this to be from me and who I am so if that is something that may bother you, this might not be the blog for you. I just want to be as real and honest as I can be. This is in honor of my mother, who was my best friend, my everything… someone who never judged me for my faults but was always able, to be honest with me. I miss her more than words could ever describe.